you might recognize warren above. his last name is beatty. Most people think hes dead but hes not. hes a big shot moviestar and director. he made a film about birds that attack people. seagals i think, or maybe lots of other birds, even owls.

getting distracted! his most famous documentary was about a guy named dick tracey, a famous thug that tried to accomplish the biggest swindle in history back in the late 1800s or so. most kids teach it in school, but you might not know about it except for the movie if youve seen it. when i think of the movie i just think of yellow.

Warren wore a big yellow jacket and he still wears outside of the film today. my uncle saw him at a picnic once. he said that warren wore the jacket into the lake too. cant get him out of it! (the jacket)

Last summer, someone rang my door bell and when i opened the door there was a yellow stained $100 bill. I was so pissed i just spit on it and slammed the door. my neighbor came over with a pie and stepped on it and walked around with it stuck to his shoe for the entire evening.

i explained to him that warren beatty is a yellow freak and he just shook his head for a while.

other yellow facts about beatty:

1. "warren" sounds like a yellow name.

2. mr. beatty pushed for legistration to change the American flag colors to red, white and yellow. Like this:


3. he encourages smoking because of its yellowing effects. he tried to make my six year old cousin smoke, but luckily i had warned her about beatty so she just ignored him until he walked away.

so beware and if you see beatty. tell him to stop sending me his yellow money. i dont even know how he stains it yellow. i am scared to know.

Click here to go back to Benny's website against sending him money

i posted this on July 24 2008